Monday, January 7, 2019

January 7th - Transfer!

Dear Family, 

Well, this week is Transfer week. As for business, we have been doing pretty well so I don't really have anything. I bought space bags this week to try and help me fit all the stuff in my suitcases. I am getting transferred this week to Merced which is like 2 hours north of Visalia. I will let you know how it goes.

This week has been pretty good. I will hit the highlights because I don't want to be boring. 

We visited my recent convert Jesus in the hospital a couple of times. He cut his leg and it got super infected so he has been there for a while. It was good though, because we haven't seen him in a while. 

Jansy got her temple recommend this week so hopefully she will get to go to the temple soon to do some baptisms. We also convinced her that she needs to go to BYU which is cool. She will have a way better life if she gets away from home. 

We gave an interlude at a baptism this week for a youth that got baptised in another ward. It was cool we talked about how faith leads to repentance.

Yesterday was spent driving around and saying goodbye to a bunch of people from my Ward here in Visalia. I am really going to miss this ward. I have loved it here and I am not looking forward to leaving tomorrow. 

Have a good week family! I love you all and look forward to hearing you next week. 

Elder Murray

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